I norvegesi Den Saakaldte entreranno in studio a febbraio per registrare il loro secondo album Kapittel II: Faen i Helvete, della cui pubblicazione però non c’è ancora una data precisa; Kim + Trine si sono presi la responsabilità di curare l’intero artwork del disco. Nel frattempo Agonia Records pubblicherà il 17 febbraio la ristampa, per la prima volta in questo formato, del primo album All Hail Pessimism in doppio vinile limitato a 250 copie ordinabile a questo link. Queste le dichiarazioni del gruppo:
“When Niklas (Shining/vocals) decided no longer to continue with the band, many things passed from our minds…even just dropping the whole damn thing off. After the band discussing and coming to the conclusion that all the members wanted Den Saakaldte to continue being active as a way of artistic expression but also as in a lifestyle attitude for us, we decided that certain things had to be put down and start all over again. Agonia Records that has been following our ways and sharing our ideas on how things should be, gave us the opportunity to built the foundations for Kapittel II: Faen i Helvete on solid ground. We are looking forward to start with the recordings and we are even more excited to hear soundscapes, having now Eldur (also known as Einar Thorberg who is vocalist also in the band Fortíð) as frontman.”