I russi Sickrites fanno il punto della situazione per quanto riguarda le uscite previste per l’anno in corso:
“TO THE LAKE OF FIRE! With unholy honor we want to proclaim that the guest vocal on our new song “Sepulchres Lie Below” was performed by the legendary Mike Browning of Nocturnus AD & After Death (ex-Acheron, ex-Morbid Angel etc). This song will be on one of the releases that will be released next year.
It is with great honor that SICKRITES announce a collaboration with an old friend & supporter Ludo “Evil” Lejeune of mighty MELEK-THA fame. Ludo has created a macabre outro for our new song “Dhaaegti” for split with Belorussian plaguebearers PESTILENTIA. Hailz, brother!”
La band annuncia anche che la propria uscita Irreverent Death Megaliths verrà ristampata da Osmose Productions.