Gli Encoffination confermano i lavori in atto al successore di O’ Hell, Shine in Thy Whited Sepulchres, uscito ormai tre anni fa. III – Hear Me, O’ Death (Sing Thou Wretched Choirs) dovrebbe uscire a metà 2014:
“We have made a pained effort to make this record as monstrous and suffocating as possible. We want to pull the listener even further into the abyss we channeled with the first two records. A conscious effort has been made to lengthen the tracks, to envelop the listener in the drear we invoke as we create our sound” offers the band’s strings and throat contributor, Ghoat. The concept, as opposed to the last record’s theme of death practices, of this record is the glorification of death: an offering to the embodiment of death’s creation, and to sing the wretched hymns of death’s omnipresence, to kneel to death’s crown as we all shall fall under death’s eventual grasp. There will be more of the texture presented on the last record: organs, samples, choirs, and more, all with the same acrid funereal doom we have become known for. If the last record were a tool to teach about death, this record is that creation.”