Beyond The Redshift è un progetto molto particolare organizzato da Metal Hammer & Prog assieme a NMC Live & Mama e curato in particolare dai Cult Luna, che ne hanno sviluppato un argomento per poi costruirne sopra un’esperienza audio-visiva unica. Beyond The Redshift si terrà il 10 maggio al The Forum, The Dome & Boston Music Room di Londra. Confermati i seguenti progetti per ora:
Cult Of Luna
God Seed
God In An Astronaut
The Old Wind
Dirk Serries
Descrizione ufficiale dell’evento:
“The cosmological redshift is caused by the expansion of space. The wavelength of light increases as it traverses the expanding universe. Unable to assume that we have a special place within this universe, the redshift suggests to us that everything is moving away from everything else… We may not be able to go beyond the redshift, but we can certainly think beyond it. We are bringing together artists who expand within their space – artists who create something special within this space. Saturday 10th May will see London host an audio-visual experience built around a concept and line up curated and headlined by Sweden’s Cult of Luna. An artist who for over a decade has helped mould and expand the notion of what heavy music can be, the diverse musicians they have put together should come as no surprise to those familiar with their music. ”
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