I Dead To A Dying World annunciano che a breve entreranno in studio per dare un seguito all’omonimo album d’esordio, che dovrebbe intitolarsi Litany e contenere abbastanza materiale da coprire due 12”. Il disco sarà prodotto da Billy Anderson (Neurosis, Sleep) e vedrà la collaborazione di vari artisti fra cui personaggio provenienti da Sabbath Assembly, Pinkish Black e Ecocide. Questo il comunicato ufficiale della band a riguardo:
“Litany was developed with the themes of isolation, insanity, and reflection in a time of global devastation, evoking the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth; this new chapter reveals the aftermath of the self-titled release. From the ashes, we find three warring clans who personify each theme and embody their own unique struggles, each clan has sought their own way of survival in an unforgiving world, some in search for higher meaning, and others through methods of irrevocable cruelty. These concepts are explored individually and finally together, representing by synecdoche, our own struggles in modern society. Founded in 2010, Dead To A Dying World incorporates cello, violins, and upright bass elements and more into a morose but intimidating end-time style of doom, with a putrid, blackened weight to their waves of slow-motion, Apocalypse inspired doom dirges and a harrowing double-vocalist approach. With several tours in different regions of the countries since inception, the band’s self-titled 2xLP album was produced by Phillip Cope of Kylesa and released via Tofu Carnage Records in 2011.”