Il progetto di Mories Cloak Of Altering pubblicherà tramite Crucial Blast Records (già etichetta di Gnaw Their Tongues) il nuovo album Plague Beasts. Il disco uscirà il 29 aprile in formato digitale e in digipack CD con la seguente tracklist:
1. Plague Beasts
2. White Inverted Void
3. Translucent Body Deformities
4. Chaos Magician Of The Abyss
5. Ash666urA
6. Into Celestial Hell
7. Altering Forever
A questo link è disponibile la titletrack in streaming. Questo il comunicato dell’etichetta:
The name of Dutch avant-metal madman Mories — a.k.a. Maurice de Jong — runs rampant throughout the experimental tip of the black/industrial metal underground, Cloak of Altering just one of the artist’s solo and collaborative acts/monikers, joining Seirom, Aderlating, Mors Sonat, De Magia Veterum and others, most notably his notorious blackened industrial/orchestral doom outfit, Gnaw Their Tongues.
With Cloak of Altering, a project that Mories started in 2011 as a continuation of his earlier black metal band Ophiuchus, the artist’s fascination with the early symphonic black metal of In the Nightside Eclipse-era Emperor and Arcturus’s early efforts, as well as the more fiendish and fractured forms of industrial black metal as practiced by the likes of Dødheimsgard are much more apparent, each moving deeper into stranger and more mutated realms of electronically-damaged symphonic black metal. With Plague Beasts — Cloak of Altering’s third album, and first for Crucial Blast — Mories delivers a ferocious affront to black metal form and structure, combining his otherworldly strain of sweeping symphonic black metal with bursts of intense electronic chaos, waves of nebulous synthesizer and spastic rhythmic violence that, at times, feels more like something you’d hear off of a Planet Mu 12″, at times resembling some twisted nightmare version of prog rock keyboard freak-outs, or vintage 16-bit game soundtracks being fused to the gristle and graveyard stink of second wave black metal.
More than anything else from Mories, this stuff is closest in spirit to the malevolent necro-industrial and fractured drug-fueled machine-ecstasies of bands like Aborym, Blacklodge, Dodheimsgard, Mysticum, and Abigor. But as with anything that this guy is involved with, Plague Beasts seethes with a deliriously demonic atmosphere entirely its own.