I Castle annunciano che il nuovo album sarà intitolato Under Siege e che uscirà il 20 maggio per Prosthetic Records con la produzione di Billy Anderson. Queste le parole della cantante/bassista Liz Blackwell:
We wrote this album in Los Angeles, San Francisco and in the mountains of Northern California. It’s a California record. We drew from the heavy sounds of those places to write electric witch hymns of death and doom.
Date del tour:
4/5 San Francisco, CA – Benders
4/11 Wurzburg, DE – Cafe Cairo *
4/12 Oberentfelden, CH – Borom Pom Pom
4/13 Freiburg, DE – Slow Club ^
4/14 Liege, BE – La Zone
4/15 Munich, DE – Feierwerk
4/19 Brussels, BE – DNA
4/20 Nijmegen, NL – Doornroosje
4/21 Tilburg, NL – Little Devil
4/24 Wiesbaden, DE – Kulturpalast ^
4/25 Groningen, NL – Vera ^
4/26 Berlin, DE – Desertfest
4/27 Cologne, DE- Underground ^
4/30 Hamburg, DE – Rock Cafe St Pauli (with Graviatiors)
5/1 Dresden, DE – Katy’s Garage
* with Conan
^ with Conan & Graviators