La punk/hardcore band Halshug fa ora parte del roster Southern Lord Recordings che nel prossimo futuro ne pubblicherà il debut album. Nel frattempo è disponibile in streaming via Bandcamp l’ep d’esordio della band Dödskontrol. Queste le parole dell’etichetta:
Formed in Copenhagen only two years ago, the riotous young act, Halshug, unloads some of the most traditionally-styled but urgently unloaded traditional crust punk/d-beat hardcore to be found. The enraged sentiment of archetypal leaders of the genre, Doom, Anti Cimex, and no doubt, Discharge, and direct influence drawn from Infernöh, Hoax and Death Token, is unapologetic in its presence in the band’s delivery, which, fueled by society’s modern-day ills, finds Halshug already in line with Nuclear Death Terror, Wolfbrigade, Skitsystem and the best of the movement’s current top acts. Through only an initial demo followed by their 2013-released Dödskontrol 7″, Halshug has amassed a punishing name early in the powerful trio’s lifespan through regional and even more heavily-concentrated European touring, and continues to expand on their live executions in 2014 with more widespread gigs than ever already ongoing and in the works. Their newest venture, a two-week rip through Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland, begins tomorrow, April 16th in Berlin. Halshug will also tour abroad through Europe and even invade North America later in 2014, following the release of their debut LP, soon to be recorded for Southern Lord.