Il primo video tratto da Monachy, il nuovo album dei Rivers Of Nihil, si intitola “Sand Baptism”, è diretto da David Brodsky (GWAR, Whitechapel, Black Dahila Murder) ed anticipa l’uscita dell’ultimo full-length della band.
A proposito del video e della canzone, Il chitarrista dei Rivers Of Nihil Brody Uttley si esprime dicendo:
“‘Sand Baptism’ is a track where we purposely fused our more traditional death metal sound with the newer elements that we brought to the table on this new album. This track is a well-balanced serving of emotion, brutality, technicality, and catchiness. We really wanted to focus on writing SONGS on this record instead of just stringing riffs together. “Sand Baptism” does a great job of showing how we have evolved as a band both in a song writing capacity and also as individual players.”
Monarchy uscirà il 21 Agosto tramite la label statunitense Metal Blade Records, nel frattempo si può già acquistare l’album in pre-order tramite il sito ufficiale Metal Blade.