Ricorderete il tour europeo di inizio 2012 di Ulcerate e Svart Crown, passato anche per l’Italia in una magnifica serata da noi organizzata a Cesena. Ci dispiace molto apprendere che le due band, ancora in tour assieme, in America con i Tombs, sono state derubate: dal loro van è stata trafugata attrezzatura di vario tipo e tutto il merchandise. Qui di seguito i comunicati, rilasciati via Facebook, dei due gruppi: gli Svart Crown avvisano anche che hanno un account paypal, per tutti coloro che volessero aiutarli.
Questo il comunicato degli SVART CROWN:
Hi guys, bad news from Svart Crown.
The van we’re using for the US Tour we’re on with Ulcerate has been broken last night in NYC. Our friends from New Zeland had their guitar racks stolen. They also lost all the pedals they use, parts of the drumkit, some of their merchandising and their backdrop. We’ve lost all of our merch’, which was our only way to get a little money back on this tour. The two first shows have been really great, but this event is really a pain in the ass. The tour will continue, anyway. For those who want to help the band in this hard moment a paypal account exist .
Here the address : sons-of-underground@hotmail.fr
Salut à tous, quelques nouvelles, mauvaises, de la part de Svart Crown.
Le van que nous utilisons sur notre tour US avec Ulcerate a été fracturé la nuit dernière à New York. Nos amis néo zélandais se sont fait voler leurs racks de guitare, toutes leurs pédales d’effets, des éléments de batterie, du merchandising ainsi que leur backdrop. Pour notre part, nous avons perdu tout notre merch, qui était le seul moyen pour nous de ne pas perdre trop d’argent sur cette tournée. Les deux premiers concerts ont été fantastiques, mais cet événement reste un sérieux coup au moral. Le tour continue, envers et contre tout. Un compte Paypal existe, si vous souhaitez soutenir le groupe dans ce moment difficile voici l’adresse : sons-of-underground@hotmail.fr
E questo invece quanto dichiarato dagli ULCERATE:
We had our van broken into in New York last night at our accom. We’ve lost all our guitar gear (preamps, effects units), some drum equipment, stage banner and all of Svart Crown’s merch was also ripped off. We’re going to keep going but this is a fucking terrible start. We had phenomenal shows in Philadelphia and NYC last night so this is an absolute kick in the fucking teeth.