Gli Amia Venera Landscape hanno annunciato di aver passato gli ultimi tempi a comporre vari brani che verranno registrati nei prossimi anni, probabilmente da questo inverno in poi. Nel frattempo, hanno pubblicato il video ufficiale di “Empire”, opener del bellissimo The Long Procession uscito a fine 2010. Di seguito il comunicato della band veneta.
Hi everyone, after several months of almost silence, it’s time to see where we stand!
During this period we’ve been working on a lot of brand new music. The composition process took different directions, in terms of sounds and respective a
pproaches, and it led us to create something around eighty songs of very different genres.
All this material will be recorded along the next three years, and the first of these releases is supposed to be out this Winter. According to this we won’t be going to play any live show for a while.
All this material will be recorded along the next three years, and the first of these releases is supposed to be out this Winter. According to this we won’t be going to play any live show for a while.
In the meanwhile, check out our previously unreleased video for the song ‘Empire’, taken from our first album ‘The Long Procession’.
More news coming soon!