La storica death metal band svedese Centinex annuncia l’avvenuta reunion e l’inizio dei lavori su un nuovo album, oltre che uno speciale live show al Kill Town Death Fest a Copenhagen. Questo il comunicato ufficiale del gruppo:
“After a few years in the making it is now time for the rebirth of Centinex. Without interfering or affecting any of the other musical tasks we all have individually and collectively, we can’t put aside the fact that a new Centinex album is something we want to do and something that has to be done. Picking up the spirit from the bands 1992 debut album and by doing a deadly travel from Stockholm to Florida – including a digression to the Ruhr area in 1987 – we have our path and direction ready to be explored. The new album will be recorded during the spring 2014 for a late summer release through an as-yet-undetermined label. Keep checking back for further news.”
Questa è l’attuale formazione dei Centinex:
Alexander Högbom – voce
Sverker Widgren – chitarra
Martin Schulman – basso
Kennet Englund – batteria