La post metal band svedese Cult of Luna ha annunciato che il nuovo album uscirà all’inizio del 2013 e s’intitolerà Vertikal; il disco sarà incentrato a livello lirico sul noto film espressionista Metropolis, l’immortale capolavoro di Fritz Lang. Di seguito riportiamo il comunicato completo pubblicato dalla band sulla propria pagina Facebook, in cui si annunciano anche le date del prossimo tour europeo (per il momento l’Italia non è compresa).
Cult of Luna is returning to tour in 2013, showcasing their first studio album in 5 years: ‘Vertikal’
The album will be released at the beginning of the year, and is thematically influenced by the film ‘Metropolis’: a hypnotic backdrop of
We realise fans have been waiting for what seems like an age for us to return to the live arena properly, but we were not keen on playing shows before we had the new material ready. There have been changes, and we wanted to come back on our own terms with something completely new. It is very important for us to transpose the idea of a new album into the live setting, to not tread water, and to include the fans in what we’ve been working on; you will be hearing this very soon.
Tickets for all shows in will be on sale this Monday, 8th October… this is part 1…
17/01/13 – Hamburg, Knust
18/01/13 – Luxembourg, Kulturfabrik
19/01/13 – Glasgow, Ivory Blacks
20/01/13 – Sheffield, Corporation
21/01/13 – Wolverhampton, Slade Rooms
22/01/13 – London, The Garage
24/01/13 – Paris, Le Divan Du Monde
25/01/13 – Vannes, L’Echonova
26/01/13 – Bordeaux, Le Krakatoa
27/01/13 – Bilbao, Sonora
28/01/13 – Lisbon, Paradise Garage
29/01/13 – Porto, Hard Club
30/01/13 – Madrid, Caracol
31/01/13 – Barcelona, Razzmatazz 3
01/02/13 – Beaumont, Le Tremplin
02/02/13 – Karlsruhe, Stadtmitte
20/04/13 – Tilburg, Roadburn Festival
03/05/13 – Wroclaw, Asymmetry Festival