Il gruppo death/doom finlandese Hooded Menace, già al secondo album e con vari split all’attivo (con bands del calibro di Asphyx e Coffins), firma per Relapse Records.
Il mastermind Lasse Pyykkö, membro anche di Phlegethon e Claws, ha così commentato la notizia:
“We’re very excited about signing with Relapse Records! This seems like a logical next step for the band. Of course we are still going to release 7”s and such with smaller labels too because we love doing that. As for the full length album, now we’re going have all the support, promotion, and distribution we could possibly hope at this stage. It’s pretty amazing to be part of the label with such a long and remarkable history. Relapse has released many albums that we are big fans of. We are stoked about leaving our heavily and deeply stamped mark to that long, significant list of great music.“