John Garcia (membro fondatore dei Kyuss, ora nei Vista Chino e membro di Hermano e Unida) ha firmato un contratto con Napalm Records per la pubblicazione del suo album solista. Il disco è in fase di registrazione ai Thunder Underground Studios di Palm Springs assieme ai produttori Harper Hug e Trevor Whatever e dovrebbe uscire a estate inoltrata; questo il commento di Garcia:
“I’m pleased to announce that after years of planning, I have finally signed my solo deal with Napalm Records. I’m extremely happy to be obligated to finishing this project that has haunted me long enough. Very excited to be working with Harper Hug and Trevor Whatever in the studio along with some other extremely talented musicians. This record will be coming out end of summer 2014 with extensive tours to follow. Thank you for your support and thank you to Napalm Records for making my dream become a reality.”