I Locrian pubblicano via The Quietus il videoclip di “Return To Annihilation”, titletrack dell’ultimo album uscito l’anno scorso per Relapse Records. Di seguito i commenti rispettivamente di Terence Hannum e André Foisy:
One of the main influences was Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Stalker”, and she [Francesca Marongiu, che ha diretto il video, n.d.r.] tried to emulate that movie’s bleak environmental landscape. One where the government blocks people from entering an area called “the Zone” but people can enter illegally and confront a landscape that is always changing.
We asked Francesca to make a video since we’ve collaborated successfully before and we’ve been blown away by other videos that she’s made for her own project Agarttha and for Oikos. There’s a theme of mirrors in the album that Francesco embodies in the video in a very frightening way.
One thing that’s so interesting about decay and destruction is that there’s this ghostly moment where a scene from the present post-industrial world is almost indistinguishable from a scene from a very primordial world. The video displays the slippage in the ghostly mirroring that’s both a modern world and a primordial one and that’s very disturbing.
Il disco è ancora disponibile in streaming sul Bandcamp dei Locrian.