I leggendari Massacre floridiani, in procinto di rilasciare il loro primo album, Back From Beyond, dopo quasi vent’anni, hanno pubblicato tramite Terrorizer in anteprima il brano “As We Wait To Die”:
Tracklist di Back From Beyond:
1. The Ancient Ones
2. As We Wait To Die
3. Ascension Of The Deceased
4. Hunter’s Blood
5. Darkness Fell
6. False Revelation
7. Succumb To Rapture
8. Remnants Of Hatred
9. Shield Of The Son
10. The Evil Within
11. Sands Of Time
12. Beast With Vengeance
13. Back From Beyond
14. Honor The Fallen
Line up:
Ed Webb – Vocals
Rick Rozz – Guitars
Terry Butler – Bass
Mikey Mazzonetto – Drums
Date del tour:
FR 02.05.2014 Tilburg (The Netherlands) – Neurotic Deathfest / www.neuroticdeathfest.com
SA 03.05.2014 Powys (UK) – Rad Fest / www.rad-fest.co.uk
SU 04.05.2014 Leeds (UK) – Kin Hell Fest / www.kinhellfest.co.uk
MO 05.05.2014 London (UK) – Barfly
TU 06.05.2014 Oberhausen (Germany) – Resonanzwerk + Lay Down Rotten
WE 07.05.2014 Aalen (Germany) – Rock It + Lay Down Rotten
TH 08.05.2014 Hamburg (Germany) – Bambi Galore + Lay Down Rotten
FR 09.05.2014 Dresden (Germany) – Scheune + Lay Down Rotten
SA 10.05.2014 Siegen (Germany) – Vortex + Lay Down Rotten
SU 11.05.2014 Brussels (Belgium) – Magasin 4 + Pestilence