I Nachtmystium pubblicheranno The World We Left Behind, quello che sarà il loro ultimo album, il 10 giugno via Century Media Records. La band intanto ha pubblicato il seguente comunicato:
Nachtmystium have confirmed another new release that is being compiled and designed at the current time. We are pleased to announce that our longtime friends at the Australian label Katzenjammer Records will be releasing a compilation of all the cover songs Nachtmystium recorded during their 14 year span of existence that will be simply called “Under Cover”. The compilation will include cover versions of songs by Burzum (including the recently recorded version of “Det Som Engang Var” that Nachtmystium recorded during the sessions for the yet-to-be-released “The World We Left Behind” LP sessions. This cover will be totally exclusive to this release!) Joy Division, Motorhead, Ildjarn, Earth, Darkthrone, Judas Iscariot, Goatsnake, Death In June and GG Allin! Also to be included will be one exclusive original track from Nachtmystium, also recorded during the sessions for the new album. This track features guest synth player Job “Phenex” Bos of Satyricon and Hate Meditation contributing some very eerie keys to the track, which stylisitically is very reminiscent of 90’s Svandinavian black metal and is a very different styled track than most of the more recent Nachtmystium releases. The CD version of this release will be extremely limited (1,000 units or less!) and available directly from Katzenjammer Records. The label and the band are currently seeking another underground label to license this compilation for a vinyl release as well. Interested parties can contact the band directly via this Facebook page or write to the label via their website,www.katzenjammerrecords.com to inquire about vinyl licensing. We will post more news and cover art / release date for this title as it becomes available in the coming weeks, along with news concerning the release of the final Nachtmystium LP, “The World We Left Behind”, which will be coming out via Century Media Records worldwide this summer. More news soon!