Non Serviam Records annuncia l’uscita di From The Abyss They Rise per il 14 agosto, compilation che abbraccia tutti i dieci anni di attività della black metal band Pantheon I. Tracklist:
1. Pariah
2. Martyr
3. I’ll Come Back as Fire
4. What Lies Beneath
5. From the Abyss They Rise
6. Core of the Soul
7. Thus Spake the Nightspirit (Emperor cover)
8. Transparent
9. Is This a Prophecy?
10. Myopic Dark Eyes
11. A Shadow
12. Impious Spirit
13. Enter the Pantheon
La band commenta:
“The Songs on this album has a span of 10 years and it represents both the past and the present of Pantheon I. The album starts off with our latest Ep recording and ends with our very first demo. you will be taken through a vast landscape where the sound become more raw and unpolished but the spirit still potent. A lot of these tracks have lost their original tapes so the sound may differ a lot from recording to recording, but this is our testimony to the world that pantheon I has always been about the extremes.
Stay Metal”
Line up:
KVEBEK (Den Saakaldte, ex-1349) – chitarra e voce
SAGSTAD (Trollfest, Sarkom) – chitarra
T.R.S. (1349, Den Saakaldte) – basso
MADS G (The All Seeing I, Zeenon) – batteria
LIVE JULIANNE – violoncello