I Radiation Sickness annunciano l’ingresso in formazione del chitarrista Scott Bronner (ex-Demiricous, Legion) che va a sostituire Tom Ball, recentemente scomparso. Il cantante e fondatoee Doug Palmer commenta:
“We would like to welcome Scott Bronner (ex-Demiricous, Legion) as the new guitar player to Radiation Sickness. This was not a hard call to make, Scott helped make it easier.
OK after the death of Tom Ball we gave it long thought as to what the future of Radiation Sickness would be. A large part of me said I am done, a larger part of me said I don’t wanna do this anymore. Two people killing them self in the same band 23 years apart. It is fucking mind blowing. Tom was not there the first time around but he brought more talent and passion to the table then the guy he replaced ever had. I just find it hard not playing music and with this band, the only band I have ever been in. So Radiation Sickness is moving on. Just as twisted and demented as before.We are working on having the two songs for the Cardiac Arrest split re-produced by Iron Bob Fouts and we are planning on doing three or more split seven inch lps this year & a lot of out of town shows.”