I Sawthis hanno pubblicato su BlankTv il video ufficiale di “Act of Sorrow”, brano estratto dall’ album Egod. Google, proprietaria della piattaforma Youtube, ha intimato lo staff di BlankTv prima di non pubblicare ed in seguito di limitare la visibilità del video ritenendolo eccessivamente violento.
Ecco il comunicato:
“Being that BlankTV is a YouTube partner in good standing with Google for many years we have made the decision for everyones benefit in asking you not to feature the forthcoming SAWTHIS music video on our YouTube homepage. BlankTV has been repeatedly flagged for violent content over these past few months and we feel the tone of this video is too questionable for your 13-17 year old demographic. Any more flags coming from the YouTube community could result in a temporary suspension of your channel. The video is allowed to be posted but not as a primary feature.
Kindest regards,
YouTube Support Team”
Qui potete vedere il video “incriminato”.