Prion > Uncertain Process

(Comatose Music, 2015) 1. Power Obsessed 2. Uncertain Process 3. Chronic Disease 4. Anhedonist 5. Now Is the Hour 6. Control Societies 7. End Is Near 8. Losing Itself in the Infinite 9. Doom Humanity of Horror 10. Never Let Me Down Again Dall’Argentina con furore ecco arrivare i Prion, death metal band attiva dall’ormai…

Entrails > Obliteration

(Metal Blade Records, 2015) 1. No Cross Left Unturned 2. Epitome of Death 3. Beyond the Flesh 4. The Grotesque 5. Obliterate 6. Skulls 7. Midnight Coffin 8. Bonestorm 9. Abyss of Corpses 10. Re-Animation of the Dead  Ci eravamo lasciati nel 2013 con Raging Death, un album interessante che però non era riuscito a…

Putrid Offal > Mature Necropsy

(Kaotoxin Records, 2015) 1. Purulent Cold 2. Garroting Way 3. Mortuary Garlands 4. Gurgling Prey 5. Repulsive Corpse 6. Suffering 7. From Plasma to Embalming 8. Orgasmic Excavation 9. Premature Necropsy 10. Symptom 11. Rotted Flesh 12. Birth Remains 13. Outro  Formatisi in Francia nell’ormai lontano 1991, i Putrid Offal hanno militato nell’underground locale per…

Abominator > Evil Proclaimed

(Hells Headbangers Records, 2015) 1. Black Mass Warfare 2. The Brimstone Nucleus 3. Evil Proclaimed 4. Ashes of a Demonic Legacy 5. Invoker of the Four Winds 6. The Devil’s Pandemonium 7. Indomitable Master 8. Re-Birth of the Arch Nemesis  Avevamo utilizzato il termine “war metal” parlando dell’ultimo disco degli Archgoat, ed è proprio di…

Indecent Excision > Aberration

(Permeated Records, 2015) 1. Intro 2. Amputee Identity Disorder 3. Piquerism 4. Icons of Perversity 5. Unrestrainable Impulse 6. In geistiger Umnachtung 7. Gazing into the Depths of Human Atrocity 8. Pain induced sexual Climax 9. Aberration Nati come one man band per volontà di Hannes Gamper, i bolzanesi Indecent Excision hanno pubblicato il primo…