Aborted > The Necrotic Manifesto

(Century Media Records, 2014)  1. Six Feet of Foreplay 2. The Extirpation Agenda 3. Necrotic Manifesto 4. An Enumeration of Cadavers 5. Your Entitlement Means Nothing 6. The Davidian Deceit 7. Coffin upon Coffin 8. Chronicles of Detruncation 9. Sade & Libertine Lunacy 10. Die Verzweiflung 11. Excremental Veracity 12. Purity of Perversion 13. Of…

Hexis > Abalam

(Halo of Flies, 2014) 1. Faciem 2. Tenebris 3. Exanimis 4. Desolatum 5. Sequax 6. Supplex 7. Abalam 8. Imolabant 9. Exhausit  10. Timor 11. Exterminati 12. Neglexerunt Gli Hexis sono una delle tante realtà nate in Europa nell’ultimo decennio che, incorporando la velocità del grindcore, le sfuriate di derivazione black metal e l’attitudine hardcore…