Diocletian > Gesundrian

(Osmose Productions, 2014) 1. Cleaved Asunder 2. Wretched Sons 3. Summoning Fear 4. Traitor’s Gallow 5. Steel Jaws 6. Wolf Against Serpent 7. Beast Atop The Trapezoid 8. Zealot’s Poison I Diocletian provengono da Auckland, Nuova Zelanda, e suonano death metal. Per gli avvezzi al genere, questa prima affermazione potrebbe essere sufficiente per intendere già…

Incantation > Dirges of Elysium

(Listenable Records, 2014) 1. Dirges of Elysium 2. Debauchery 3. Bastion of a Plague Soul 4. Carrion Prophesy 5. From a Glaciate Womb 6. Portal Consecration 7. Charnel Grounds 8. Impalement of Divinity 9. Dominant Ethos 10. Elysium (Eternity is Nigh)   Gli Incantation sono ancora i re del death metal americano, quello atavico, scevro…

Haemophagus > Atrocious

(Razorback Records, 2014) 1. Intro 2. Partying at the Grave 3. Atrocious 4. Exaltation for a Dying Victim 5. Dismal Apparition 6. Ice Cold Prey 7. Surgeon of Immortality (Alfredo Salafia) 8. Siege of Murderous Beasts 9. Swollen With Parasites 10. Naked in the Snow 11. Choked on a Cadaver’s Dick 12. The Honourable Society…

Mordbrand > Imago

(Deathgasm Records, 2014) 1. Revelate 2. Join Them in Thralldom 3. That Which Crawls 4. Their Name Are Myriads 5. Hoarding the Grotesque 6. Bastion of Blood 7. The Spawning (Born of Rot) 8. Imago 9. Sever the Limbs That Grace  Da un po’ di anni a questa parte è tornato in voga, sotto forma…