Them Bulls (Stoner Rock da Cervia)
Four dudes playing rock from all eras, past, present and future.
MY HOME ON TREES (Stoner Rock da Milano)
“The freak dream about living on trees into the wild inspired on 2012 “My Home on Trees”, young band from Milano, influenced by 70’s gods as Black Sabbath or Jefferson Airplane and 90’s sons as Kyuss and Fu Manchu as well. Occult stoner rock from a dark forest, heavy riffs and psychedelic grooves. A storm of fuzz meeting powerful female voice, for fans of Jex Thoth and Blues Pills. They shared the stage with Karma to Burn, Greenleaf, Toner Low, My Sleeping Karma, The Midnight Ghost Train, Mars Red Sky..”
+ music selection by VELENO, RICHARDOOM & CATLAZY (sludge/psych/doom/stoner)
powered by GOTR booking & promotion // Drown Within Records
Contributo al concerto: UP TO YOU!
Ingresso Riservato Associati Music For People
Tessera € 5,00 con cd Go Down Records/Drown Within Records
Supportate la vostra scena locale, le band, gli organizzatori e tutte quelle persone che nel loro piccolo si sbattono per cambiare la propria routine quotidiana e quella degli altri.
Sidro Club. Rock on
Piccola Ristorazione Classica & Vegetariana a tutte le ore
Soul Food a Km0, Possibilità di cenare al Sidro Club
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