I Godspeed You! Black Emperor hanno annunciato l’uscita del loro nuovo album, G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END, che vedrà la luce il prossimo 2 aprile tramite Constellation Records. Il disco è stato registrato e mixato a Montréal nell’ottobre del 2020 presso il Thee Mighty Hotel2Tango da Jace Lasek.
Tracklist e artwork:
12A A Military Alphabet (five eyes all blind) (4521.0kHz 6730.0kHz 4109.09kHz) / Job’s Lament / First of the Last Glaciers / where we break how we shine (ROCKETS FOR MARY) [20:22]
10A Fire at Static Valley [5:58]
12B “GOVERNMENT CAME” (9980.0kHz 3617.1kHz 4521.0 kHz) / Cliffs Gaze / cliffs’ gaze at empty waters’ rise / ASHES TO SEA or NEARER TO THEE [19:48]
10B OUR SIDE HAS TO WIN (for D.H.) [6:30]