I Fleshgod Apocalypse hanno comunicato, tramite un video-messaggio del frontman Francesco Paoli sulla pagina Facebook della band, di aver subito un furto di gran parte della strumentazione all’indomani della tappa Göteborg del tour europeo in corso. Di conseguenza, la band ha annullato le ultime quattro date del tour, quelle di Copenhagen, Amburgo, Brasov e Mannheim. Di seguito il comunicato e il video:
Hello friends, we’re sorry to inform you that we’ll not be able to make it for the last four shows of this tour: Copenhagen, Hamburg, Brasov and Mannheim.
Last night some miserable pieces of shit broke into our van and stole our full live rig, production tools and stage props, drums gear, our signature custom-made guitars and bass (by Rufini Guitars), merchandise and various spare parts. Please let us know if you spot one of those turds trying to resell our stuff online. If you want to help, you can give us a hand by buying some merchandise from our store (shop.fleshgodapocalypse.co
This is a tough day for us, but we’re stubborn like a bull and we’ll keep working harder than before, which is the only way we know to overcome adversities. Old-school we are, old-school we’ll die.
Please spread the word and thanks so much for your support!”