Rob Halford ha dichiarato, in una recente rilasciata a Noisey, di vedere di buon occhio una collaborazione con Nergal e Ihsahn per un progetto black metal, di cui in realtà si vociferava da diverso tempo. Di seguito la risposta fornita all’intervistatore:
“The black metal project! It keeps being about to lift the launchpad, but it never quite gets anywhere. I met Nergal from Behemoth recently, and I said to Nergal, ‘You know I love your kind of music. I would love to kind of put my toe into the water and see what would happen.’ So now I’ve got these two very nebulous but I hope at some point very real opportunities to do something with Nergal and still something to with Ihsahn. Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, that’s my big Emperor album. Both of them are incredible – they just have this real mastery of their world.”