I pilastri del gothic/doom metal mondiale Katatonia hanno pubblicato, tramite il loro profilo Facebook e il canale YouTube di Peaceville Records, il lyric video di “Old Heart Falls”. Si tratta del primo estratto da The Fall Of Hearts, nuovo album della band svedese in uscita il 20 maggio. Jonas Renske ha così commentato il nuovo brano:
“A song with lush textures, distinct dynamics and a memorable chorus are the trademarks to some of the most beloved Katatonia songs. ‘Old Heart Falls’ substantiates all of those atttributes, but is not by any means defining the album as a whole. There is more to come…“
Riguardo il lyric video, Anders Nyström ha aggiunto:
“Knowing we didn’t want another ”font circus” with all these words and letters competing in olympic acrobatics, we decided to make it extremely simple but also very real… 30 years ago when we were active in the underground tape-trading scene, there were no computers around, so we had to write all our letters by hand, or when feeling extra motivated, we used a typewriter. I clearly remember writing letters on a typewriter with a ribbon directly to paper created a special feeling that no computer would ever emulate. So determined to bring back this feeling for a brief couple of minutes, we passed on our idea to our talented friend Lasse Hoile, who made sure this beautiful Royal typewriter served a final purpose before crawling all the way back to the start, returning to dust…”
In più, l’1 aprile il brano sarà rilasciato in download gratuito per coloro i quali hanno effettuato il pre-order via iTunes.