Il combo ambient/post-rock giapponese Mono ha annunciato che Requiem For Hell, nono capitolo della propria discografia, vedrà la luce il 14 ottobre per Pelagic Records (EU). L’album è stato registrato e mixato da Steve Albini presso l’Electrical Audio di Chicago, e masterizzato da Bob Weston. Così ha commentato la prossima release il chitarrista e compositore Takaakira ‘Taka’ Goto:
“This album is a series of songs from a flood of inspirations in 2015. After writing song after song and giving them titles, we stumbled upon Dante’s Divine Comedy and the story struck a chord with us. Divine Comedy’s story about travelling down to Hell, through to purgatory, then from Heaven to reality, turned out to be the same theme. This is when we decided to use Gustave Dóre’s illustration from Divine Comedy’s last scene as the main cover.”
Di seguito tracklist e teaser dell’album:
1. Death In Rebirth
2. Stellar
3. Requiem For Hell
4. Ely’s Heartbeat
5. The Last Scene