Il combo post-rock/metal islandese Sólstafir ha rilasciato, in anteprima per alcune webzine internazionali, la nuova traccia “Ísafold”. Si tratta del primo estratto da Berdreyminn, sesto album della band in uscita il 26 maggio per Season Of Mist.
Così la band ha commentato l’uscita:
“Our first premiere song ‘Ísafold’ came very spontaneously to light. It felt like the spirit of Thin Lizzy paid us a visit that day. Adding a classic Phil Rudd beat to that seemed the only right thing to do. This is not the most typical Sólstafir track but in some odd way it could be taken to represent this album. For such a short song, it offers many different sonic landscapes. And although we are not re-inventing the wheel and you will find many references to ‘classics’ as tributes, I find it quite different from anything that we have done before. That is the way, I like it and to me ‘Ísafold’ is already an all-time favourite among all our tracks.”
Di seguito le webzine che hanno ospitato l’anteprima e lo streaming del brano:
Spark (CZ)
Visions (DE)
Rockzone (ES)
Soundi (FI)
New Noise (FR)
Rocking (GR)
Lángoló Gitárok (HU)
Metal Italia (IT)
Marunouchi Muzik (JP)
Never Mind The Hype (NL)
Metal Hammer (NO)
Musick Magazine (PL)
Loud (PT)
Crank It Up (SE)
Metalfan (RO)
Prog (UK)