I thrasher tedeschi Antipeewee pubblicheranno il loro terzo album Infected By Evil il prossimo 29 giugno per This Charming Man Records. Pochi giorni dopo la premiere del lyric video di “Dagon”, Grind On The Road presenta il videoclip di “Symphony Of Doom”. Così la band commenta questa nuova creatura lovecraftiana:
“Inspirato al celebre racconto di H.P. Lovecraft “La musica di Erich Zann”, l’ultimo estratto dall’album Infected by Evil punta dritto alle tue orecchie e ai tuoi neuroni. Il tributo degli Antipeewee al violinista maledetto e alla sua pazzia, che è sul punto di prendere il controllo anche delle menti dei membri della band.”
German thrashers Antipeewee are going to release ther third album Infected By Evil on June 29 by This Charming Man Records. After having featured “Dagon” lyric video, Grind On The Road shows the official video shot for “Symphony Of Doom”. The band comment its latest lovecraftian creature:
“Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s famous short story “The Music of Erich Zann”, the latest release from the Album Infected by Evil goes straight to your ears and brain cells – Antipeewee’s tribute to the cursed violinist and his madness, which is on the brink of also taking control of the bandmember’s minds.”