I thrasher tedeschi Antipeewee pubblicheranno il loro terzo album Infected By Evil il prossimo 29 giugno per This Charming Man Records. Dopo aver presentato i singoli “Dagon” e “Symphony Of Doom”, a partire da oggi Grind On The Road ospita l’anteprima streaming integrale dell’album (pre-order qui e qui).
Così la band commenta Infected By Evil:
“Gli Antipeewee fondono le deliranti idee di Lovecraft con la loro musica, rantolando verso cancelli sconosciuti con ritmi aggressivi e tonanti, cantilene anthemiche e imploranti e la loro originale attitudine in your face. Infected by Evil non solo ci mostra un lato più spietato e diabolico degli Antipeewee, ma è anche una personale pietra miliare per la band, che ha finalmente trovato il sentiero dentro gli imperscrutabili templi delle antiche creature di Lovecraft e lì si sta divertendo un sacco.”
German thrashers Antipeewee are going to release ther third album Infected By Evil on June 29 by This Charming Man Records. After having featured “Dagon” lyric video and “Symphony Of Doom official video, Grind On The Road premieres the album in its entirety. The band comment Infected By Evil:
“Antipeewee merge the delusional ideas of Lovecraft with their music, rattling at undiscovered gates with thundering and aggressive rhythms, anthemic and beseeching chants and their original in-your-face-attitude.“Infected by Evil” not only shows us a more ruthless and diabolical side of Antipewee – it’s also a personal milestone for the band, who have finally found the path into the inscrutable temples of Lovecraft’s old creatures and are now having a really good time there.”