Sin dai suoi esordi datati 2010, il combo tedesco Earth Ship si è guadagnato una reputazione non da poco nella scena stoner/sludge/doom. Formato dal chitarrista/cantante Jan Oberg, da sua moglie Sabine (basso) e dal nuovo batterista Sebastian Grimberg, il trio è stato partecipe di fest europei come Desertfest, Stoned From The Underground e Pelagic Fest, pubblicando proprio con Pelagic Records i primi tre album. Dopo una parentesi in casa Napalm Records, la band ritorna sotto l’egida dell’etichetta tedesca per pubblicare Resonant Sun, la cui uscita è fissata per il prossimo 5 ottobre. Dall’album è estratto il brano “A Handful Of Flies”, di cui oggi presentiamo il video ufficiale in anteprima.
Ever since their inception in 2010, Berlin 3-piece Earth Ship have built their reputation in the vast field of the stoner/doom/sludge underground scene as one of the most relentless and heavy-hitting live bands out there. With their thunderous blend of sludgy riffs, bluesy leads, virulent vocals and a massive dose of both groove and humour, vocalist Jan Oberg, his wife Sabine (bass) and Sebastian Grimberg (drums) have taken Earth Ship to the stages of Desertfest, Stoned From The Underground orPelagic Fest, and tours with bands like Red Fang, Torche, Crowbar or Voivod. After 3 albums on Pelagic, the band signed with Napalm Records for the release of 4th studio album Hollowed in 2016. But the alliance didn’t last long, and the band returned to our welcoming arms here at Pelagic for album #5: Resonant Sun. Today Grind On The Road premieres the official video of “A Handful Of Flies”, taken from the album.