I Lesser Glow vengono da Boston e si propongono come una ventata di aria fresca nel panorama della heavy music ipertecnica, iperprodotta e uguale a sé stessa. Ciò si manifesta nel debut album Ruined, in cui si incontrano doom, noise, post-rock, metal melodico, hardcore e post-hardcore. Questo il commento della band:
“Con Ruined abbiamo semplicemente deciso di suonare musica pesante. Non c’era alcuna idea premeditata circa il genere o un fine specifico, ma più che altro un vero amalgama di influenze e una frustrazione calibrata che ha formato il sound. Dal punto di vista tematico, Ruined commenta la perpetua abilità dell’umanità ad autodistruggersi, sia in solitudine che in massa. Volutamente ignoranti, siamo condannati a ripeterci tramite un consumismo ciclico.”
Ruined uscirà l’8 giugno per Pelagic Records (preorder), ma da oggi è disponibile in anteprima streaming per Grind On The Road.
In today’s world, there is an undeniable, ever-growing sea of noise. Like an ocean, it swirls together the sounds of humanity into a churning vat of anonymity, and we are drowning.
It is from this abyss that Lesser Glow was born. A necessary change from the common kind, this Boston five-piece brings an undeniable heaviness, with lyrics and music coexisting in the same beautiful, dynamic and volatile space. Heavy but not excessive. Massive yet not gratuitous. Meticulous. Focused. Direct. Necessary. The idea of Lesser Glow grew as a response to the unrealistic progression of heavy music in recent years… generally feeling over-technical, over-produced and sometimes entirely fake.
“With Ruined we set out to simply make heavy music. There was no meditated preconception of genre or specific end goal, but more a true amalgamation of influence and focused frustration that shaped the sound. Thematically, Ruined comments on humanity’s perpetual ability for self destruction, both in solitude and in numbers. Willingly ignorant, we are doomed to repeat ourselves through cyclical consumerism.”
Today Grind On The Road features the full streaming premiere of the album, which is due to be released on June 8, 2018 by Pelagic Records.