Gli Storm{O} sono più che una certezza nel panorama post-hardcore nazionale italiano. Dopo la grande attenzione sollevata con il debut album Sospesi Nel Vuoto Bruceremo In Un Attimo E Il Cerchio Sara Chiuso (2014) la band di Belluno si appresta a pubblicare il nuovo album Ere, la cui release è prevista per il 2 febbraio per Moment Of Collapse.
L’album, registrato da Riccardo Pasini allo Studio73 e masterizzato da Alan Douches al West West Side Music di New York, porta ad un livello successivo il furioso hardcore senza compromessi, con dinamiche strutture math, attitudine noise e disperate vocals in lingua italiana, che ha portato la band sui palchi di tutta Europa con più di 250 concerti in cinque tour, condividendo il palco con Converge, Full Of Hell, Unsane, Birds In Row, Celeste, Norma Jean e altri.
Oggi Grind On The Road presenta in anteprima la recensione dell’album e un nuovo brano intitolato “Porta dell’Attimo”.
“Con Ere […] l’ingenua fierezza e la rabbiosa impulsività, vuoi per gli anni di vita accumulati nel frattempo, fanno definitivamente spazio, con i pro e i contro del caso, a una disillusione maggiormente radicata e consapevole che si traduce in un lavoro pianificato nel dettaglio, più maturo e complicato e, se possibile, ancor più buio e tragico, con una valorizzazione delle melodie paradossale, dal momento che acquistano valore proprio perché ridotte all’osso.”
The Italian post-hardcore formation Storm{O} finally returns with a new full-length album entitled Ere. The four-piece from the province of Belluno already called growing attention with their first full-length Sospesi Nel Vuoto Bruceremo In Un Attimo E Il Cerchio Sarà Chiuso in 2014 and is now setting off to the next step in their career. With Ere, the band delivers 13 songs of pretty intense and diverse hardcore that are housed in a nice inside out printed gatefold cover released by Moment of Collapse Records.
Hailing from the small town of Feltre, Storm{O} have been on the map since 2005. Their name is derived from the mingle of a dark storm and the Italian word for a flock of black birds (“stormo”). This imaginary union is graphically described by the two brackets that represent the flock of birds, and the letter “o” between the two brackets, representing a drop. Storm{O} play a unique mixture of pulverizing Hardcore that is guided by an aggressive and fast drumming. The furious song structures are leading into brilliant set breaks that mark the only spots to gasp for breath. The guitars act in the frame of a dynamic songwriting that leaves space for a couple of uplifting moments and the bass adds a discreet noise-rock edge. The basis of Storm{O}’s sound always remains as a harsh, driven and distorted wall of uncompromising Hardcore that is a good reminder of the early works of bands such as Uranus, Converge, Orchid or Catharsis. The screamed Italian vocals vary from anxious spoken words, to angry shouts and desperate screams. These guys de! nitely never lose their intensity and convince on full scale as they are sharing this collective passion for intense music, paired with a unique form of expression. The band played hundreds of shows sharing the stage with bands such as La Dispute, Grime, Unsane, Lento, Big Business, Bane, More Than Life, Celeste, Year Of No Light and many more. “Ere” was recorded and mixed by Riccardo Pasini at Studio73, Italy and mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music, New York.
Over 250 shows, 5 tours along Europe and UK, performing at FLUFF FEST 2016 and MISS THE STARS FEST 2015, opening for Converge, Full Of Hell, Birds in Row, Graf Orlock, Mutoid Man, Unsane, Jungbluth, Celeste, La Dispute, Suis La Lune, Norma Jean.
Hardcore screamed in their native language, narrow mathematical passages and runaway emotional explosions give shape to an unconventional and somehow unique music.