I blackster tedeschi Der Wg Einer Freiheit hanno rivelato tracklist e artwork del nuovo album Finisterre, in uscita il 25 agosto per Season Of Mist. Così la band ha commentato il quarto full lentgh della propria carriera:
“This album and its production process was one of the biggest challenges of our lives so far. Due to the fact that we took the whole production in our own hands, we had full control over everything but of course it was also hard work to achieve our vision and the sound we were looking for. However, now we’re very proud of what we’ve created and happy to share these insights from the recording sessions with you! The first part covers the drum recordings and shows the life in the studio.”
E’ stato inoltre pubblicato uno studio report in cui la band parla delle sessioni di registrazione dell’album e svela altri dettagli:
Di seguito tracklist e artwork di Finisterre:
1. Aufbruch
2. Ein letzter Tanz
3. Skepsis Part I
4. Skepsis Part II
5. Finisterre
I DWEF hanno inoltre annunciato le date del prossimo tour europeo da headliner, in compagnia di Inter Arma e Regarde Les Hommes Tomber.