Il combo crust/hardcore punk svedese Wolfbrigade ha annunciato la release del nuovo lavoro Run With The Hunted, fissata per il 28 aprile via Southern Lord Records. Così la band ha commentato l’album, registrato presso lo Studio Fredman di Goteborg (At the Gates, In Flames) da Fredrik Nordström e Henrik Udd, e al Sunlight Studio (Dismember, Entombed, Grave) di Stoccolma da Tomas Skogsberg:
“We looked to explore our rawness, writing straight-up, in-your-face, primitive songs. On this record, we decided to push the melodic strains even further, but without losing either intensity or brutality. Lyrically we have been inspired by both classic and obscure dystopian literature, finding suitably horrible metaphors for the decline of western society. The search for freedom continues, but this time the path is pointed inwards, into ourselves.”
Di seguito la prima traccia estratta “Warsaw Speedwolf”, tracklist e artwork:
01. Nomad Pack
02. Warsaw Speedwolf
03. Lucid Monomania
04. No Reward
05. Kallocain
06. Return To None
07. War On Rules
08. Feral Blood
09. Under The Bell
10. Dead Cold