Avevamo già parlato dei Bison e del loro ultimo album You Are Not The Ocean, You Are The Patient in sede di recensione. Edito da Pelagic Records, il quarto full length del combo di Vancouver si presenta come un ulteriore passo avanti nello sviluppo del proprio stoner/sludge/post-metal aggressivo e muscoloso. Oggi presentiamo in anteprima il videoclip ufficiale di “Anti War”.
We dealt with Bison and their latest record You Are Not The Ocean, You Are The Patient some time ago in our review section. The album, released by Pelagic Records, is the fourth full length by the Vancouver, Canada stoner/sludge/post-metal outfit, showing a progressive development of their muscular and aggressive sound. Today we premiere the new videoclip taken from the track “Anti War”.
“You are not the ocean. You do not orchestrate a beautiful cacophony of life and death, struggle and destruction, creation and dependance. You are not the sole reason for the existence of a nation of creatures to live and abide your stark and simple rules. You are not married to the moon. You do not allow the constellations to be your map. You do not destroy cities and drown their citizens. You do not embrace land’s golden hem as your child, with calm and tenderness. You do not crash and spray craggy shores with fury and passion. You are not unstoppable. You are not powerful. You are not necessary.
You are the patient. You are controlled. You are cared for, out of duty. You are maintained with medicines and examinations. You are met with cold hands and protocol. Your most intimate self is put on a form. You are questioned about pains and thoughts. You are dependent on those with knowledge. You are helpless. You are tired and bed ridden. You do no harm and you do not help. You are monitored and caged. You are kept away from others. You are contaminated. You are sick. You are keeping yourself sick. You do not know how to recover. You do not want to recover. You do not know what recovery is.”
Order here:
CD: http://pelagic-records.com/?p=11883
VINYL: http://pelagic-records.com/?p=11876
CD: http://pelagicrecords.indiemerch.com/…
VINYL: http://pelagicrecords.indiemerch.com/…