Gli heavy rocker gallesi Hark hanno pubblicato il nuovo brano “Son of Pythagoras”, terzo estratto dal prossimo album Machinations, in uscita il 24 febbraio per Season of Mist. E’ possibile ascoltarlo in esclusiva per le seguenti webzine europee:
Metal-Roos (AU)
Deaf Forever (DE)
Diablo Rock (ES)
CoreandCo (FR)
Hardkjarni (IS)
Zware Metalen (NL)
Ultraje (PT)
Antichrist Magazine (UA)
Terrorizer (UK)
Così ha commentato il mastermind Jimbob Isaac:
“Seeing riffs and rhythms in dreams, and drawing geometric impossibilities could stem from old Mr. Pythagoras’ teachings. His dab hand at angles also covered musical formulas for spiritual healing, and while dealing with some super duper psychic predators and energy-butchers during the writing of ‘Machinations’, Mr. P and his wisdom provided quite the tonic.”
Di seguito i già annunciati tracklist e artwork di Machinations:
1. Fortune Favours The Insane
2. Disintegrate
3. Nine Fates
4. Speak In Tongues
5. Transmutation
6. Son Of Pythagoras
7. Premonitions
8. Comnixant 3.0
9. The Purge