Il combo avant-garde metal norvegese Vulture Industries ha rilasciato il live video del nuovo brano “Strangers”, secondo estratto da Stranger Times, quarto album dei cinque di Bergen in uscita il 22 settembre per Season Of Mist. Così la band ha commentato il brano:
“The song “Strangers” defined the sound for our new album. It became a focal point during the production process and was the first song that we mixed. This track had a slow birth, starting out in a completely different shape and expression. In the end, the opening riff remained the only part left from the original draft. “Strangers” is one of two rather epic pieces on the album. It blends progressive rock and post-metal influences with a strong chorus and guitar leads that could make Roky Erickson howl.”
Il videoclip è stato pubblicato in esclusiva per i seguenti portali europei:
Metal-Roos (AU)
Deaf Forever (DE)
Diablorock (ES)
Horns-Up (FR)
Kronos Mortus (HU)
Hardkjarni (IS)
Rock Hard (IT)
Metal Exposure (NL)
Eternal Terror (NO)
Ultraje (PT)
Metalfan (RO)
Crank It Up (SE)
Terrorizer (UK)
Questo il commento del frontman Bjørnar E. Nilsen sul nuovo album. Di seguito tracklist e artwork, opera di Costin Chioreanu.
“Continuing along the path that we started to explore on ‘The Tower’, I proudly believe ‘Stranger Times’ to be standing out as a defining work for us. It bridges the gap between styles that we have touched upon in the past, while at the same time expands our scope and includes a more solid dose of rock in the mix. To me, it represents our most ‘solid’ album to date and is clearly the best produced one. I am curious to see how our fans will react, but being the kind and intelligent persons that they are, we actually expect a lot of love… and maybe a bit of trash just to remind us that we are mere mortals.”
1. Tales of Woe (4:37)
2. As the World Burns (5:22)
3. Strangers (7:10)
4. The Beacon (5:35)
5. Something Vile (4:17)
6. My Body, My Blood (2:27)
7. Gentle Touch of a Killer (5:03)
8. Screaming Reflections (5:32)
9. Midnight Draws Near (5:20)