I Primus hanno annunciato che il nuovo full length The Desaturating Seven, nono episodio della discografia del terzetto, vedrà la luce il 29 settembre per ATO Records. Il successore di Green Naugahyde (2011) sarà il primo album dal rientro in formazione del batterista Tim Alexander, che aveva lasciato la band dopo la pubblicazione di Tales From the Punchbowl (1995). Con Les Claypool e Larry LaLonde Alexander ha siglato i dischi storici dei Primus, come Frizzle Fry e Sailing the Seas of Cheese.
The Desaturating Seven è ispirato a The Rainbow Goblins, oscuro romanzo per bambini dello scrittore e illustratore italo-tedesco Ul de Rico. Così Claypool ha commentato la scelta:
“I remember being incredibly impressed with the artwork and the storyline and the content and the message, and I thought, ‘Wow, this would make a great piece of music,'” he says. “As I’m getting older, I’m realizing I need to start knocking some of these things off my list. So we did the Willy Wonka soundtrack a couple years back, and this was a project I wanted to do.”
“I would look at the artwork and read the lyrics, and it’s very difficult to sing about goblins and rainbows and not have it come off being a little cornball, So I was tiptoeing the line of not necessarily being literal, but referring to elements of the story and using it more as a metaphor, when I could.”
Il primo estratto dall’album è “The Seven”, traccia prog/funk che richiama i King Crimson degli anni ’80:
“It definitely has that Discipline feel, but it’s also very reminiscent of “Jerry Was a Racecar Driver”, that tapping and the syncopated bit with me and [guitarist Larry “Ler” LaLonde]. But all that probably comes from the Crimson influence as well because Crimson was definitely a big influence on the three of us.”
Di seguito tracklist e artwork di The Desaturating Seven:
1. “The Valley”
2. “The Seven”
3. “The Trek”
4. “The Scheme”
5. “The Dream”
6. “The Storm”
7. “The Ends?”