Entrato nel roster di This Charming Man Records ad un anno dalla formazione nel 2012, il trio doom/sludge metal amburghese The Moth è un esponente di spicco dell’underground tedesco. In seguito alla release del debut album They Fall (2013) la band è stata apprezzata per un sound che incorpora doom, thrash, rock e sludge psichedelico. Lo stesso sound è stato adottato per l’album seguente, And Then Rise (2015), che ha attirato parallelismi con High On Fire, Mastodon, Crowbar e Kylesa.
Dopo esperienze live con Torche, Red Fang, Conan, Space Chaser e OHHMS, nonché le apparizioni sui palchi di DesertFest, Svart Festival, Doom Over Vienna e Stoned From The Underground, i The Moth torneranno il 10 novembre con il nuovo album Hysteria, registrato con il produttore José Lorenzo, che ha catturato la brutale essenza live della band, oggi divenuta un quartetto. Il primo estratto dall’album è il brano “Fail”, in premiere via Soundcloud su Grind On The Road.
Signed to This Charming Man Records just one short year after their formation in 2012, Hamburg-based doom/sludge trio The Moth are one of Germany’s leading underground lights. Upon the release of their acclaimed debut album They Fall in 2013 the band was praised for harbouring a sound that incorporated slow burning doom, thrash, rock and psychedelic sludge, all cooked via a metallurgy of riffs and bold ideas geared toward a full-metal apocalypse. That same sound was soon resurrected in 2015 on The Moth’s follow-up album And Then Rise, which drew justifiable comparisons to the likes of High on Fire, Mastodon, Crowbar and Kylesa.
Most notably down to the twin vocal play of bassist Cécile Ash and guitarist Freden Mohrdiek’s well-tempered mix and almost Jekyll & Hyde-like aesthetic. Raw, ready and alive with ambition, but best of all practically void of uncalled-for frills. Off the back of tours and shows with bands such as Torche, Red Fang, Conan, Space Chaser and OHHMS, not to mention countless stages rocked at DesertFest, Svart Festival, Doom Over Vienna and Stoned From The Underground, The Moth return this November with their most anticipated album yet. Relocating to the same, small rehearsal room used to record their debut – deep in the belly of Hamburg’s infamous red-light district, St. Pauli – the band set about pre-recording their album Hysteria with close friend and producer José Lorenzo in September 2016. Laying down all ten tracks in one day and returning later in the year to rerecord and add vocals, they quickly discovered during the process that Lorenzo’s initial recordings best captured the band’s brutal and bewitching live sound. With the addition of new member Christian ‘Curry’ Korr, brought in to share rhythm duties alongside long-sitting drummer Tiffy and the partnership of Cécile and Freden as full-on and fired-up as ever, Hysteria is the audacious product of a band at their deadliest. Released on 10th November 2017, Hysteria by The Moth will be available on This Charming Man Records. The first song to be released from the album is “Fail”, available via Soundcloud on Grind On The Road.