I post-rocker neozelandesi Spook The Horses hanno pubblicato lo scorso anno il proprio terzo album People Used To Live Here, di cui abbiamo parlato in sede di recensione. Dall’impronta cinematica, il lavoro sembra prestarsi particolarmente alla musica per immagini, e infatti da tre brani in esso contenuti (“Lurch”, “Crude Shrines”, “Made Shapeless”) sono stati tratti altrettanti videoclip. Oggi Grind On The Road presenta il quarto, diretto da Max Telfer, per la traccia “Following Trails”.
Così la band commenta il lavoro:
“Il video è basato sul ricordo di un sogno ed è stato filmato nella casa in cui è stato scritto People Used To Live Here. È inteso come riflessione sia metaforica che letterale su idee riguardanti i limiti soggettivi della percezione di sé e dell’autodeterminazione.”
Imagine: if band members can rotate between instrument positions within the band, because every band member can play every instrument, then this must imply a seldom degree of freedom and mutual musical understanding… something that most bands could only dream of.
Spook The Horses from Wellington, New Zealand, are such a band. Maybe this multi- instrumentalism and virtuosity also explains the vast musical territory that is explored between the band’s 3 albums: while 2011’s debut album Brighter was defined by sweet post-rock crescendos, 2015’s Rainmaker was a much heavier affair, that would appeal to fans of Cult Of Luna or Amenra. People Used To Live Here, in quiet stark contrast to the before mentioned, sees the band turn the distortion knobs way down, to a mildly saturated crunch tone, at most. “Writing this album gave us the ability to experiment with song ideas we felt weren’t appropriate on our previous albums“, Zach Meech comments.
The band’s most daring effort to date, People Used to Live Here explores the natural and immediate. Written and conceived in relative isolation over several grim Southern Hemisphere winters, Spook The Horses are defining their own sonic trademark with this album: an atmosphere of quiet desolation, raw and real, desperate and unsettling: the post-apocalyptic soundtrack to abandoned places, where people used to live, at one point in time, long ago.
Today Grind On The Road premieres the band’s newest videoclip, directed by Max Telfer for the track “Following Trails”. Sppok The Horses comment:
“The video is based upon a recollection of a dream, filmed within the house that the record People Used To Live Here was originally written – and is intended as both a literal and metaphorical reflection on ideas relating to the subjective limits of self, perspicacity and self determinism.”