I post metallers svedesi Moloken supporteranno i connazionali – e compaesani – Cult Of Luna per il loro tour europeo ad aprile. Così ha commentato l’annuncio Johannes Persson, leader della band headliner:
“It is not easy to be in a band that comes from a small town in the north of Sweden. The physical distance forces you to do the 8+ hour drive to Stockholm (a drive we’ve done more times than I can count) before you can do anything. The distance to everything relevant is a disadvantage for a band with the ambition to grow. Moloken is one of these bands that needs to get more recognition. They are hailing from our hometown of Umeå and it feels great to be able to present them to our audience in Europe. So for the love of Odin, don’t miss them.”
Moloken “All Is Left To See” Tour 2016:
9/4 Glasgow, The Garage UK (supporting Cult of Luna)
10/4 Manchester, Sound Control UK (supporting Cult of Luna)
11/4 London, Islington Assembly Hall UK (supporting Cult of Luna)
12/4 Paris, La Gaite Lyrique FR (supporting Cult of Luna)
13/4 Tourcoing, Le Grande Mix FR (supporting Cult of Luna)
14/4 Tilburg, Roadburn Festival NL (supporting Cult of Luna)
15/4 Hamburg, Bambi Galore DE (NEW!)
16/4 Karlskrona, Oden SE (NEW!)