I FUTURE USSES vengono da Los Angeles e con ” What Is Anything” anticipano l’uscita via Pelagic Records del loro debutto The Existential Hauntin. La band conta nelle sue file Sacha Dunable (INTRONAUT) e propone visioni strumentali oppressive e oniriche.
Batteria e chitarra sono stati registrati a Clearlake Audio con Josh Newell (INTRONAUT, CYNIC), Derek Donley (INTRONAUT, BEREFT) e il basso con Jon Nunez (TORCHE). Il mix è stato fatto da Kurt Ballou al God City Studio.
Buon Ascolto!
L.A.’s FUTURE USSES deliver an astounding instrumental record of devastatingly heavy, oppresively slow, yet shimmery and lush sludge-paced rock, run through a filter of nightmarish psychedelia.
It’s hard to believe that “The Existential Haunting” is really a debut album… the Three-piece’s sound comes across too shrewd, too canny and too sophisticated.But while FUTURE USSES have really only played a handful of shows in their short career, main songwriter Sacha Dunable has been a member of INTRONAUT for almost 15 years, and dabbled with various doom metal projects over the years, like BEREFT (LA). FUTURE USSES takes small elements of what those bands do and magnifies them, combining the slow-motion crushing power of doom with the atmosphere and dense harmonic tendencies of INTRONAUT.