Khors > Mysticism

(Svarga Music, ristampa 2014) 1. Through The Rays Of Fading Moon…; 2. Raven’s Dance; 3. Milk Of Heavens; 4. Winterfall; 5. In The Cold Embrace Of Mist; 6. Pagan Scars; 7. Mysticism; 8. Red Mirrors; 9. In The Cold Embrace Of Mist (demo bonus); 10. Through The Rays Of Fading Moon… (live bonus); 11. Raven’s…

Caliban > Ghost Empire

(Century Media, 2014)  1. King 2. Chaos – Creation 3. Wolves and Rats 4. Nebel 5. I Am Ghost 6. Devil’s Nights 7. Your Song 8. Cries And Whispers 9. Good Man 10. I Am Rebellion 11. Who WeAre 12. My Vertigo   Arrivati ormai al nono album da studio, i Caliban possono definirsi una…

Hexis > Abalam

(Halo of Flies, 2014) 1. Faciem 2. Tenebris 3. Exanimis 4. Desolatum 5. Sequax 6. Supplex 7. Abalam 8. Imolabant 9. Exhausit  10. Timor 11. Exterminati 12. Neglexerunt Gli Hexis sono una delle tante realtà nate in Europa nell’ultimo decennio che, incorporando la velocità del grindcore, le sfuriate di derivazione black metal e l’attitudine hardcore…

Drudkh / Winterfylleth > Thousands Of Moons Ago / The Gates

(Seasons Of Mist, 2014) Drudkh: 1. …w krainie drzew (Hefeystos cover); 2. Ten, Ktery Se Vyhyba Svetlu (Unclean cover); 3. Recidivus (Sacrilegium cover); Winterfylleth: 4. The Gates (Hate Forest cover) Operazione di puro divertissment quella appena edita (e limitata a 666 copie rigorosamente in vinile) da Seasons Of Mist dove gli ucraini Drudkh e gli inglesi Winterfylleth omaggiano, riproponendone selezionati brani, alcuni dei…